B Fest 20
25th Aug, 20 / First Blue HealthcareBellhurst held a team meeting on August 12th 2020. We discussed fun things we could do with our young people. Mikey came up with the idea of a garden festival. Lots of ideas started coming together and planning had started. How can we pull of a festival? Who will be responsible for what? Firstly, what date will the now named 'B' Fest take place, and with six weeks of holiday coming to a close, we decided it would need to be in the next couple of weeks. Avoiding the bank holiday due to the amount of people having plans already around this, the date of August 20th was chosen. This gave us a week to organize 'B’ Fest.
This required a real camaraderie, and jobs being designated. Mikey said that he would do the BBQ, Laura was going to bring a tent and put it up in the garden and Sadie was going to help bake the cakes. One of our young people has an interest in DJ’ing so he was going to do the music and our other young person designed the leaflets and tickets as well as organizing a bake sale. Bethan then offered to come in for 17:00 for clean-up duty!
Once our young person had designed the leaflets and tickets, we sent these out into the company. We had a good response from this! Our guest list included all the other homes in the company, their young people. We also had our Directors, Head of care and Operations Manager wanting to join in with the festival fun!
We started setting up the day at 8:00am. Up went the balloons and our banners, our very own DJ was ready on the decks- ready to blast out his music. Our bouncy castle was ready to go by 11:00. Our coconut shy was set up, as well as the archery kit. We had lots of lovely food, drinks, and some delicious cakes that we had baked ready to devour. Mikey had already started to heat up the BBQ at 11:45. We had our glitter on our faces and we were ready to go!
Lots of people turned up for the festival. Everyone played lots of games, enjoyed the food, had a go on the bouncy castle and socialized (with social distancing in mind)! Once we had finished the BBQ, we had toasted marshmallows and enjoyed each other’s company. Overall, it was a brilliant day for everyone!